A Two-Way Coupling Approach for Simulating Bouncing Droplets

A two-way coupling cut-cell approach to simulate bouncing droplet phenomena by incorporating the lubricated thin aerodynamic gap between fluid volumes


This paper presents a two-way coupling approach to simulate bouncing droplet phenomena by incorporating the lubricated thin aerodynamic gap between fluid volumes. At the heart of our framework lies a cut-cell representation of the thin air film between colliding liquid fluid volumes. The air pressures within the thin film, modeled using a reduced fluid model based on the lubrication theory, are coupled with the volumetric liquid pressures by the gradient across the liquid-air interfaces and solved in a monolithic two-way coupling system. Our method can accurately solve liquid-liquid interaction with air films without adaptive grid refinements, enabling accurate simulation of many novel surface-tension-driven phenomena such as droplet collisions, bouncing droplets, and promenading pairs.


[Preprint on SSRN] [Preprint with arxiv template] [Youtube]


Wang, Hui and Xiao, Yuwei and Mao, Yankai and Xiong, Shiying and Yang, Xubo and Zhu, Bo, A Two-Way Coupling Approach for Simulating Bouncing Droplets. 
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4579924 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4579924



  1. walking-droplet-preview.jpg
    A Two-Way Coupling Approach for Simulating Bouncing Droplets
    Hui Wang, Yuwei Xiao, Yankai Mao, Shiying Xiong, Xubo Yang, and Bo Zhu
    Preprint, Aug 2023